Parse your financial data,
chaos to clarity in seconds.
Transform bank statements from any bank in the world, invoices of any complexity, and receipts at scale with a simple API for developers who need clean, consistent data—fast. ⚡️
Be among the first to streamline financial data with Invaro's powerful API.
Effortlessly extract data from statements and invoices
Convert all your files into clear, structured data—no matter the format. Test it out here!
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Sample Document
3 pages, 1.2MB

Select the sample document or upload your own,
then click Generate JSON to see the magic happen! ✨
Turn your Documents into JSON with unparalleled accuracy
While others claim 90% accuracy, we deliver 99.9%. Our AI doesn't just read—it understands context, validates data, and ensures precision that traditional parsers can't match.
99.9% accuracy guarantee
Contextual understanding
Real-time validation
Enterprise-grade security
Consistent Field Naming
Standardized data structures across the platform
Perfect OCR Accuracy
Context validation ensures accuracy
Proper Data Types
Numbers for amounts, dates in ISO format
Clean Organization
No unnecessary null/empty fields
Validated Data
Complete data validation and type checking
Inconsistent Field Names
date vs DATE vs TransDate
OCR Errors
Confusion between 1 vs I, O vs 0
Mixed Data Types
"45,678.9" vs 28500
Unnecessary Fields
Null/empty fields present
No Data Validation
Lack of type checking
Original Document

Our Parsing
{ "bankInfo": { "name": "MERIDIAN BANK", "tagline": "EXCELLENCE IN BANKING", "registeredOffice": "100 Banking Plaza, New York, NY 10007", "licenseNo": "MB123456789", "customerService": "1-800-MERIDIAN", "website": "" }, "statementInfo": { "type": "STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT", "period": { "from": "01-01-2024", "to": "31-01-2024" } }, "customerDetails": { "name": "QUANTUM DYNAMICS CORP", "customerId": "78901234567", "accountNo": "1234567890123456", "accountType": "Corporate Premium", "currency": "USD", "communicationAddress": { "company": "Quantum Dynamics Corp", "street": "789 Innovation Boulevard", "building": "Technology Park, Floor 15", "city": "Boston", "state": "MA", "zipCode": "02110", "email": "", "phone": "+1 (617) XXX-5678" } }, "branchDetails": { "name": "FINANCIAL DISTRICT", "address": { "street": "567 Wall Street Plaza", "suite": "Suite 1200", "building": "Financial Center", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "zipCode": "10005" }, "swift": "MBNKUS123" }, "accountSummary": { "openingBalance": 125487.92, "totalDebit": 89756.34, "totalCredit": 167892.45, "closingBalance": 203624.03 }, "transactions": [ { "transactionDate": "02-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "02-Jan-2024", "description": "ACH Credit/Payroll", "debit": 45678.90, "credit": null, "balance": 79809.02 }, { "transactionDate": "03-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "03-Jan-2024", "description": "WIRE/IN/CLIENT PAYMENT REF:XYZ789", "debit": null, "credit": 28500.00, "balance": 108309.02 }, { "transactionDate": "05-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "05-Jan-2024", "description": "Vendor Payment/INV-2024-001", "debit": 12456.78, "credit": null, "balance": 95852.24 }, { "transactionDate": "07-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "07-Jan-2024", "description": "Software License/ADOBE/2024", "debit": 1899.99, "credit": null, "balance": 93952.25 }, { "transactionDate": "10-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "10-Jan-2024", "description": "International Wire Transfer", "debit": null, "credit": 45670.00, "balance": 139622.25 }, { "transactionDate": "12-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "12-Jan-2024", "description": "Office Supplies/STAPLES", "debit": 2345.67, "credit": null, "balance": 137276.58 }, { "transactionDate": "15-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "15-Jan-2024", "description": "Cloud Services/AWS/JAN2024", "debit": 5678.90, "credit": null, "balance": 131597.68 }, { "transactionDate": "18-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "18-Jan-2024", "description": "Client Payment/PROJECT-A2024", "debit": null, "credit": 56722.45, "balance": 188320.13 }, { "transactionDate": "20-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "20-Jan-2024", "description": "Insurance Premium/Q1-2024", "debit": 8945.00, "credit": null, "balance": 179375.13 }, { "transactionDate": "22-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "22-Jan-2024", "description": "Marketing Services/AGY-001", "debit": 7890.00, "credit": null, "balance": 171485.13 }, { "transactionDate": "25-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "25-Jan-2024", "description": "Client Retainer/PROJ-B2024", "debit": null, "credit": 37000.00, "balance": 208485.13 }, { "transactionDate": "28-Jan-2024", "valueDate": "28-Jan-2024", "description": "Equipment Purchase/IT-DEP", "debit": 4861.10, "credit": null, "balance": 203624.03 } ], "metadata": { "pageNumber": "1", "totalPages": "1" } }
Competitor Parsing
{ "baNk_NAME": "MER1D1AN BANK", "statement_data": { "period": "O1-01-2024 to 31-O1-2024", "page_no": 1.0, "statement_type": null, "generated_on": "", "processed_by": null }, "customer": { "name": "OUANTUM DYNAM1CS C0RP", "id": 78901234567, "acc no": "1234567890l23456", "type account": "Corp0rate Prernium", "currency-type": "U5D", "status": "", "category": null, "risk_rating": undefined, "last_updated": null, "verification": "" }, "address_details": [ "Quantum Dynamics Corp", "789 lnnovation Bou1evard", "Techno1ogy Park F1oor l5", null, "Boston MA O211O", "", null ], "contact": { "email": "treasury@quantumdynamics,com", "phone_number": "+1 (617) XXX-5678", "fax": null, "alternate_phone": "", "contact_person": null, "preferred_time": undefined }, "branch": { "name": "FlNANClAL DlSTRlCT", "ADDRESS": { "LINE1": "567 Wa11 Street P1aza", "LINE2": "Suite l2OO Financia1 Center", "LINE3": "New York NY lOOO5", "country": null, "po_box": "", "landmark": null }, "swift_code": "MBNKUS123", "branch_code": null, "manager": "", "type": null }, "ba1ances": { "opening": "125,487.92", "debit-total": 89756.34, "credit_total": "167892.45", "closing": 203624.03, "minimum": null, "average": "", "hold_amount": null, "floating": undefined }, "transaction_list": [ { "date": "02-Jan-2024", "va1ue_date": "O2-Jan-2024", "desc": "ACH Credit/Payro11", "DR": "45678.9", "CR": "", "ba1": "798O9.02", "ref_no": null, "status": "", "category": null }, { "date": "03-Jan-2024", "value date": "03-Jan-2024", "desc": "WlRE/lN/CLlENT PAYMENT REF:XYZ789", "DR": null, "CR": 28500, "bal": 108309.02, "channel": "", "auth_code": null, "processed_by": undefined } ], "FOOTER_TEXT": { "reg_office": "MERlDlAN BANK, l00 Banking P1aza, New York, NY l0007", "license": "MB123456789", "contact": "l-8OO-MERlDlAN", "web": "www,meridianbank,com", "disclaimer": null, "valid_until": "", "report_id": null, "batch_no": undefined } }
Features That Pay for Themselves
Beats traditional doc parsers with higher precision, transform your docs into precise data—no manual editing needed.
Guaranteed Accuracy
PDFs, Images
OCR + Vision AI
Results in seconds

Multilingual Support
Parse invoices, statements, and receipts in any language—no extra setup required.

Hassle Free
Just send PDFs or images, and our AI figures out the rest automatically.

Precision That Speeds Up Your Workflow
Enjoy accurate results in seconds, saving you from tedious manual tasks.

Asynchronous Processing
Submit your files and get notified when parsing is done—no waiting around.
Choose the plan that's right for you!
Simple, transparent pricing that scales with your needs. No hidden fees or surprises.
Everything you need to kickstart your fintech journey.
No Credit Card Info Required
- 100 Credits / month
- Basic processing speed
- 10 Pages per PDF/ 5 MB per upload
- Standard Support
- Personal Use
For individuals starting to speed up and supercharge their document workflow.
/ Credit
Everything in Free, and:
- High-speed processing
- Batch Processing for High Volume
- 15 Pages per PDF / 10 MB per upload
- Priority Support to Keep You Moving
- Professional Use
For larger organizations looking to enable their workforce with AI.
Custom pricing
Everything in Pro, and:
- Custom pricing with volume discount
- Opt out of data training
- Scalable solutions
- Early access to new features
- Advanced security
- Dedicated account manager
Get started for free
Take the API for a spin today. No card required.